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Got Genealogy Buzz?


GenealogyInTime Magazine is happy to introduce Genealogy Buzz, a fun new way to observe and interact with the genealogy community.

Using real-time technology, Genealogy Buzz streams to you the latest genealogy tweets, blogs and news from thousands of sources. If you tweet about genealogy, write a genealogy blog, or are just interested in what is going on, then you will definitely want to check out Genealogy Buzz.

What’s Genealogy Buzz All About?

Genealogy Buzz is built around two key features:

How Do I Use Genealogy Buzz?

Genealogy Buzz lets you observe the genealogy community in an exciting new way:

If you are a genealogy blogger – You probably already know that many conversations about your content are happening away from your website. Some studies suggest that up to 80% of the discussion about the content of a blog will happen offsite, either at other blogs or through Twitter. You can observe these offsite conversations in real time with Genealogy Buzz. As well, Genealogy Buzz can drive traffic to your website. Unlike most RSS readers, Genealogy Buzz directs users to your website to read the full article.

If you follow genealogy tweets – Use Genealogy Buzz to follow tweets only about genealogy. This solves the (common) problem of people who tweet about more than just genealogy. As well, you can see all genealogy tweets, not just those of people you follow. In fact, you don't even need a Twitter account to use to the Geneanlogy Twitter Gadget. Did we mention it is fast? Our benchmark studies suggest that Genealogy Buzz picks up most genealogy tweets within 30 seconds of broadcast.

If you are just curious about genealogy – Looking for interesting genealogy bloggers or tweeters to follow? Use Genealogy Buzz to observe bloggers and tweeters for ideas, for leads, for new people to follow or just to find out what is going on in the world of genealogy.

Get the buzz. Give Genealogy Buzz a try.