Tips on How to Travel Light
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Why Travel Light?
Travelling light translates into easier mobility. A small carry-on suitcase makes it easier to navigate airports, hotels and city streets.
Carry-on suitcases also save money as many airlines now charge for checked baggage. A small light bag can be stowed in the overhead compartment of an airplane, avoiding these fees.
Keeping your bag nearby when you travel on an airplane also provides a certain amount of comfort. You know your bag will not be lost, damaged or mishandled by ground crews. You also have access to all your belongings while in transit.
Carry-on luggage can help you avoid lineups at check-in and waits at baggage carousels when you arrive at your destination. This translates into a more enjoyable travel experience.

The Tao of Packing
Travelling light means packing light. Unfortunately, packing too much tops the list of the biggest mistakes people make when they travel. There is a tendency to simply take too much stuff when we go somewhere.
Fundamentally, many people are driven by a deep-seated concern about getting caught in a strange location without something they need. If you can conquer this fear, then travelling light simply becomes an exercise in how to pack light.