An Olympic Milestone - 7 Billion Free Genealogy Records
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GenealogyInTime Magazine has reached an Olympic milestone in free genealogy search. With the most recent updates to our two free ancestral search engines, users can now search 7 billion free genealogy records on the internet.
Free genealogy records do exist on the internet. They just tend to be scattered across many obscure archival websites. Our search technology helps brings them all together into one convenient location. We have two dedicated search engines:
• The Genealogy Search Engine searches 3.6 billion free original ancestral records from around the world.
• The Family Tree Search Engine searches 3.4 billion records on online forums and family trees to see if anyone else has researched your ancestors.
These are the most powerful free genealogy search engines available on the internet.

GenealogyInTime Magazine is the world’s most popular online genealogy magazine and one of the world’s largest free genealogy websites. Our mandate is to find creative and innovative ways to help people connect with their ancestors for free. Enjoy!
Technical Note:
Read A Guide to Performing Online Genealogy Searches to learn how to get started on your genealogy search.
Use the site command to limit your search to one website. For example, suppose you wanted to search the massive Google Newspaper Archive (we are the only genealogy search engine capable of doing this). You would enter:
“john smith” site:
Suppose you are getting too many search results from one website and you want to exclude it from your search results (in this example, we will use Australia’s Trove system). You would enter:
“john smith” –
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