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Genealogy News - February 2009

Below are genealogy news stories from February 2009. Click on the links for the full articles.

Geronimo’s Descendant Sues to Recover His Bones - What does the Apache leader Geronimo, George W. Bush and a secretive society at Yale University all have in common? According to Harlyn Geronimo, the great grandson of Geronimo, the secretive Yale society known as the Order of Skull and Bones that George W Bush belonged to has some of his great grandfather’s bones and he wants them back...[More]

The Changing Face of Immigration in America - Genealogists in the US might be interested in a study just released by the US Census Bureau detailing the characteristics of recent immigrants to America. Given that the United States is a country of immigrants, it is interesting to note how much the pattern of immigration has changed over the last two hundred years...[More]

Who Owns Your Online Genealogy Information? - A significant number of genealogists store personal genealogy information online. This raises an interesting question: Who owns the information you post online?...[More]

Abraham Lincoln’s Fingerprint Discovered on a Letter - Many genealogists are in possession of old family letters. Have you ever considered the possibility that these letters might contain more than just handwriting from your ancestors?...[More]

West African Pygmies Share a Common Ancestry - Short people known as pygmies are scattered across the forest regions of central Africa. These hunter-gatherers of the forest belong to different ethnic groups, speak different languages and exhibit a great deal of cultural and physical diversity. However, given their shared short stature, researchers have often wondered whether they have a common ancestry...[More]

Search for Viking Ancestry in England - From the late eighth century to the early eleventh century, Viking explorers, warriors and merchants actively raided and colonized much of northern Europe, including parts of the United Kingdom...[More]

Long Life Runs in Families - Genealogists know long life tends to run in some families. However, no one has ever been able to provide a satisfactory explanation to this phenomenon. Scientists have now finally come up with a reason...[More]

View Genealogy News - January 2009